The DakshinaChitra Internship on Museum Management (DAK-IMM) contributes to work-skills on the functioning of a living museum, while serving as a platform for generating and exchanging knowledge. It exposes the interns to working on the collective heritage of India, especially South India, covering tangible and intangible heritage – visual and performing arts, crafts, traditions and cultural practices. Key focus areas include:
Museum: Collections, Archiving, Conservation and Library
Education and Training: Research, Arts and Museum Management, Exposure and Orientation for students
Events and Experiences: Exhibitions, Calendared and other Events, Cultural Tourism, Crafts-shop, Crafts-bazaar
Administration: General administration, human resources, ethics, legal matters, premises management, secretariat for the Board
Finance and Accounts: Fund raising, budgeting, tax matters, servicing the Board on finance and accounts.